Please Note: Oils and fats from cooking or frying should never be disposed of in sinks or toilets (the plumbing will clog). Instead, they should be collected in a container, allowed to cool, and then discarded in the trash.
The Town of Claresholm provides consumers with a continuous, safe supply of potable drinking water which meets Alberta Environment and Parks standards. This service is extended to the residents and businesses in the MD of Willow Creek which includes the Town of Granum.
Claresholm receives its water supply from Pine Coulee Reservoir, which is located approximately sixteen (16) kilometers North West of Claresholm. In compliance with Alberta Environment and Parks the Town is licensed to divert water from Pine Coulee Reservoir to operate the Claresholm Regional Water Treatment Plant. Water from Pine Coulee is gravity fed to an onsite raw water reservoir at the water treatment plant.
The capacity of the water plant is 8,840 cubic meters per day, and on average produces 2,500 cubic meters per day. The Town of Claresholm can divert 1,301,235 cubic metres of water annually from Pine Coulee at the maximum diversion rate of 0.08 cubic metres per second.
Water produced in Claresholm goes through a several cleaning processes which includes a Dissolved Air Filtration (DAF) and PALL micro membrane filtration. Water is continuously tested to ensure it meets the standards set out by Alberta Environment and Parks.
Water and sewer rates are set as per Bylaw #1756 (Schedule D).
DownloadWater and Sewer Rate Table
Sewage System
Sewage is collected into a main outfall line that gravity feeds to the lagoon cells west of Claresholm. The lagoons consist of an 4 anaerobic cells, 2 facultative cells and a clear water holding cell. This system allows for biological processes to naturally clean the sewage water.
Storm Water System
The majority of storm water is collected and diverted to the golf course ponds, which, when full drain into the Frog Creek Wetlands. The 8th street west ditch is also a flood mitigation system that collects storm water and funnels it into the Frog Creek Wetlands. The Frog Creek Wetlands are series of 4 ponds that collect and slow the flow of water before it exists our municipality. Once the wetlands are full the water drains into the M.D. of Willow Creek #26 through a series of ditches which eventually empty into Willow Creek.