
Contact Directory

Open and transparent communication is a cornerstone of good governance. We welcome your input and your questions. Within this directory, you can find the different Town of Claresholm Departments and reach out to them directly, or use our 'Report a Concern' feature to bring your concerns to our attention. We also maintain a digital directory of local businesses so you can find the goods and services you need at the click of a button

If you have an after hours EMERGENCY where you need to contact the Town of Claresholm, please use the following numbers:    
Monday to Friday during business hours, contact the Town Office at 403-625-3381.
Monday to Friday after business hours, contact the Director of Infrastructure at 403-625-0200.
Weekend and holidays, contact Public Works Personnel at 403-625-0503.


Town Directory

Contact Administration. Get a Permit. Grow Your Business.


Submit a request

Report a Utilities, Infrastructure or Bylaw Concern.


Business Directory

Locate a restaurant. Find a mechanic.