Home Residents

Town Services

The Town of Claresholm has built up the necessary infrastructure to service the community today and well into the future. This infrastructure includes state-of-the-art water treatment facilities, a wastewater management system that is currently being expanded, a municipal cemetery, parks and recreation facilities, and waste management services. Bylaws ensure the proper management of the community and are enforced by our Municipal Enforcement Officer.   

Fire Department

The Claresholm Fire Department is proud to present its first Business Plan. This Four-Year Plan outlines the department structure and defines its core services and activities. As a long-range plan, it contains financial planning documents, and identifies department challenges, opportunities, and upcoming projects – which will ensure the department is working with Town administration and Council to promote a viable and effective service for the community. Additionally, the Business Plan aligns with Council’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2026.

Please follow the link below to read the Business Plan, and feel free to reach out to Fire Chief Craig White (craig@claresholm.ca) or CAO Abe Tinney (abe@claresholm.ca) with any comments or questions. We welcome your feedback. 

Fire Bylaw Update
Fire Dept Business Plan

Visit the Claresholm Fire Department's website to learn more.

Claresholm Fire Department