Everybody Matters, Everybody Belongs, Everybody Wins.
Claresholm has the amenities of a larger urban centre, with the warmth and sincerity of a down-to-earth community. This is a community where people of all ages think like champions, and really pull together to make things happen. The Municipality recognizes this, and strives to offer services that complement the many lifestyles that find a home in Claresholm.
Utilities, Parks & Rec, Bylaws, and Waste Management.
residentsFCSS, Clubs & Orgs, Seniors, Childcare, & Library.
costHousing, Utilities, Tax & Assessment.
hammerPermits, Fees, Subdivision, Compliance, and Info Requests.
healthHospital, Clinic, Mental Health, and Assisted Living.
learningPreschool, K-12, and Adult Learning Options.