Guiding Documents
Many guiding documents are used to help direct the Town of Claresholm. Some of the most important documents, along with a brief description, can be found below.
Municipal Government Act
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) gives direction to municipalities within the province of Alberta. It mandates the purpose of municipalities and defines their powers, duties and functions. You can view the full document on the Queens Printer Website by following the link below.
Municipal Government Act
Town of Claresholm Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Following the October 2021 Municipal Election, Town Council held a Strategic Planning session in December 2021.
The strategic plan solidifies Council’s vision for the Town for the next four years and provides direction to administration to realize the vision. The plan includes a vision, mission statement and core values – each of which should be operationalized or lived by council and administration over the next four years as they carry out their duties. The plan also contains “Council’s role”, which identifies how the group expects Council, collectively and individually, to fill its role.
Lastly, there is a section outlining Council’s strategic priorities, which contains specific goals, strategies, and action items for the organization.
You can view the full document below (PDF).
DownloadStrategic Plan 2022-2026
Organizational Structure
Council and Management are committed to building a focused, responsive, resource-conscious and results-oriented organization that communicates effectively across all departments. Town management is divided into four strategic categories of municipal staff and responsibilities. The CAO is the common thread between these strategic service areas. The intent of this structure is to engage a number of technically skilled individuals enhancing the Town’s ability to provide quality programs and services.
DownloadOrganizational Structure-2023
Claresholm Land Use Bylaw
The Land Use Bylaw regulates and controls land use and development of land and buildings in the Town of Claresholm.
Oldman River Regional Services Commission has contracted responsibility for updating the document under the approval and authority of Council. The latest version can be found on their website here or in a downloadable form below.
DownloadLand Use Bylaw
Municipal Development Plan
The Municipal Development Plan is the framework for sustainable growth and development of the Municipality. It will assist in realizing the physical, social and economic opportunities in Claresholm.
Oldman River Regional Services Commission has contracted responsibility for updating the document under the approval and authority of Council. The latest version can be found on their website here or in a downloadable form below.
DownloadMunicipal Development Plan
Infrastructure Master Plan
At the May 10, 2021 regular Town Council meeting, the Town of Claresholm Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) was adopted. The IMP forms a roadmap for infrastructure needs in the Town. It identifies existing system improvement requirements, rehabilitation and servicing recommendations for the infrastructure systems owned and operated by the Town.
The existing system improvements and future growth area servicing requirements were established based on analyses of the transportation, water distribution, wastewater collection, and stormwater management systems. The IMP will be incorporated into the Town’s long-term development/infrastructure planning and capital planning to determine the improvement areas and future developments.
Municipal Sustainability Plan
The Municipal Sustainability Plan serves to ensure that Claresholm will continue to be a vibrant caring community. It aims to maintain a diverse population of involved citizens committed to the following; sustainability, self-sufficiency and the health and well-being of its population.
Oldman River Regional Services Commission has contracted responsibility for updating the document under the approval and authority of Council. The latest version can be found on their website here or in a downloadable form below.
DownloadMunicipal Sustainability Plan
Asset Management Strategy - adopted by Town Council on September 13, 2021
The Asset Management (AM) Strategy will serve to ensure that the Town of Claresholm Council and Administration gathers and considers all relevant information to make informed decisions regarding the Town’s tangible capital assets. This includes planning for the entire lifecycle of assets, which includes extending the lifecycle of assets where possible, reduce lifecycle costs, review maintenance costs or programs and make recommendations on service delivery and standards.
Asset management helps communities like ours manage municipal infrastructure assets and make better investment decisions. It also helps us reduce risks so we can provide reliable and affordable services and a high quality of life to our residents. The Town of Claresholm is in its infancy of developing and utilizing asset management practices. The Town has received an FCM grant to assist with this process.
DownloadAsset Management Strategy
Town of Claresholm Branding Guidelines
Our Logo & Tagline
The Town of Claresholm completed a community branding process in May, 2017. The project was completed with the help and guidance of the Town Council, Economic Development Committee, and over 150 local stakeholders. The journey included 3 community forums, over 60 one-on-one conversations, and feedback via social media, e-mail and telephone. The process sculpted a unique brand that reflects the multiple viewpoints and preferences of our community at large.
The logo is a refreshed image that carried forward the strong affinity for a design that incorporates our neighbouring foothills and warm sunshine. The predominant changes were the restyling of the lines to reflect a modern appeal and the inclusion of the water tower as a visual icon and historic landmark within the Town. Inclusion of the water tower juxtaposed against the surrounding natural qualities of the MD reflect our greater sense of community, which extends far beyond any municipal boundaries. The golden yellow represents our wheatlands meeting with the rich greenery of the foothills. This is a throwback and salute to the role that our surrounding agriculture and ranching has, and continues to, play in our community. The deep blue represents the distant mountains and our expansive blue skies, celebrating our prized weather and access to some of the most beautiful landscapes for hiking, fishing, quading and camping. The logo is designed in an open, inviting, and warm format to represent those same characteristics within the community.
Our tagline, “Where Community Takes Root” speaks to the deep-rooted nature of our community. We are genuine Albertans who live for the outdoors. Our strength of character grows proud from our agricultural and familial roots. We draw nourishment from our surroundings, and have used this nourishment and sense of community service to build the best healthcare and range of sports facilities of any town in Southwestern Alberta. We take a lot of pride in our active, hands-on culture, and the world-class people it creates. We openly respect and take pride in our heritage. We know everyone can pitch in, play an active role, and pull together to make big things happen. We are welcoming, supportive of one another, and have a flair for western hospitality and heritage. We are diverse, but equally committed to the prosperity and longevity of our community.
Please contact the Chief Administrative Officer by e-mail or at 403.625.3381 for permitted uses.
Area Structure Plans
Area structure plans provide a comprehensive land use rationale for the re designation and subdivision of parcels. They are intended to guide the development of the subject land, including required infrastructure and support services, within the framework of the approved uses as per the Land Use Bylaw.
DownloadPrairie Shores Area Structure
DownloadSouthwest Area Structure Plan
Parks & Recreation Master Plan
The Parks & Recreation Master Plan serves as a planning and guiding document for future facilities and programs to maintain and enhance the green spaces and recreation within the Town of Claresholm. This plan is designed to address identified specific needs and concerns for the community for present and future recreation and sports facilities.
DownloadParks & Recreation 2017 Master