Home Residents

Health and Wellness

Claresholm is a hub of health and wellness for all ages. We have the Claresholm Medical Centre and a General Hospital. For seniors, we have a Drop-In Centre, a number of assisted living senior homes, as well as the Willow Creek Continuing Care Centre. There are special treatment facilities for mental health and addictions, and our FCSS is always there to help local residents with their needs. A variety of local businesses also promote wellness through fitness centres, workout programs, personal trainers, and retail products and support to complement your healthy lifestyle!

Find private businesses that support health and wellness, including chiropractors, massage therapists, dentists, and more in the Business Directory.

For those seeking information on our Parks & Recreation offerings, you can find them in our Get Active section.

Public Health

Public Health focuses on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. The goal of protecting and promoting the health of Claresholm residents is a public health priority that our community takes seriously. Our community wants to encourage an increased level of well-being for our citizens in all areas, including but not limited to, increased physical wellness, increased connections with community members, access to healthy nutrition, an increased sense of community, better access to aid services, etc.

Please see the below links to find ways that increase your own public health in your community and in turn help the public health of the community as a whole.

Claresholm & District Family and Support Services: http://www.claresholmfcss.ca/ 

Claresholm Food Resources: https://www.claresholm.ca/residents/community-services/community-food-resources 

Claresholm Recreation and Sports: increase your sense of community and physical wellness! http://www.claresholmfcss.ca/recreation-and-sports-organizations/ 

For more information about public health and why it is important, please see the following links:



Public health inspectors operate under the Alberta Public Health Act to ensure compliance with the province's legislation.

Food facility inspection reports, like those for restaurants, are already available online. The anticipated timeline for the new categories is:

Please visit the AHS website HERE

On all matters of health, the Town of Claresholm follows protocols instituted by Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Health Services. 

Submit a Public Health Complaint COVID-19 Info for all Albertans AHS COVID-19 Self-assessment Tool AHS COVID-19 UPDATES video

ViewWhat is CoronaVirus? By Dr. Peter Lin

Town of Claresholm Updates



ViewSocial Distancing works

The Claresholm Health Unit offers a wide array of community health programs, including: home visits, immunizations, public health inspections, speech pathologist, seniors wellness clinic, prenatal classes, and foot clinics. You can visit them at 5221 2 St W or reach them by phone at 403.625.4061.