
Water Conservation Update

Water Conservation and Water Restrictions Update – May 17, 2024

The Town of Claresholm, MD of Willow Creek and the Regional Water Plant would like to thank the residents and businesses of our communities for your hard work and dedication to water conservation by following the water restrictions.  As a result, in 2023 the water plant recorded a 20% reduction in consumption over the summer months.  

This spring has been wetter than the past few years, but the Pine Coulee Reservoir is not full yet.  We are now out of water restrictions, however we are asking the community to conserve water where possible and behave as if we are in Stage 1 water restrictions.  Stage 1 water restrictions promote basic water conservation practices.  The Town of Claresholm anticipates entering restrictions again this summer and will continue to monitor drought conditions, weather forecasts and the Pine Coulee Reservoir levels closely. To be clear, we are not currently in water restrictions. We will communicate with the public if we re-enter restrictions, and as we move in or out of the various stages of our restrictions guide. 

Please be advised that the water restrictions tables have been updated. The residential and commercial tables are now combined with uniform wording for categories, watering times and days. More options for watering all week were added if you are using “drip irrigation and hand-watering methods” to apply the water.

As a result of the drought, an operational concern has been discovered. As the Pine Coulee Reservoir level drops, water quality also drops. This is because that body of water has less fresh water and depth to it. This reduction in water quality causes significant operational load on the water plant. For this reason, in Stage 3, watering with treated water on weekends is no longer permitted. The use of rain capture water is allowed at any time and encouraged.  

Thank you again for your patience, understanding and commitment to water conservation. For any questions, please contact the Town Office at 403-625-3381 or by email to info@claresholm.ca.


DownloadWater Restrictions Guide