
2025 Interim Budget

Town of Claresholm Approves 2025 Interim Budget

The Town of Claresholm Council has approved the 2025 Interim Budget during its December 9, 2025, regular council meeting. This interim budget serves as the financial framework that helps to guide the town's operations and priorities into the new year, pending the approval of the final budget in Spring 2025 per the Municipal Government Act Section 242.

Aligned with the Town’s vision of fostering a thriving and diverse community, the interim budget outlines a balanced approach to managing operating costs and addressing infrastructure needs. Key figures include:

Operating Budget: Operating revenues are projected at $9.37 million, balanced against total expenses of $9.36 million. Key revenue sources include property taxes, user fees, franchise fees, and operating grants, while the primary expenses account for salaries, contracted services, materials and supplies, utilities, and reserve contributions.

Capital Budget: The total capital expenditures are budgeted at $3.73 million. Of this, approximately 63.52% will be funded through grants, 34.61% from reserves, and the remainder through other sources, including minimal tax funding of $5,000.

“This interim budget ensures that we can continue delivering essential services while planning for future community growth and sustainability,” stated Mayor Brad Schlossberger. “The proposed 6.045% budget increase is based on estimated needs, reflecting our commitment to managing costs responsibly and addressing the long-term priorities of Claresholm.”

Budget Highlights:

Infrastructure Investments: $1.7 million allocated to critical water and sewer projects, including the replacement and upsizing of water mains and key sewer line upgrades to mitigate risks and support growth.

Recreation and Community Enhancements: $497,704 for accessibility improvements at the Community Centre and $175,000 to replace the Centennial Park playground equipment (pending grant approval).

Reserve Contributions: A new $50,000 transfer to the recreation capital reserve ensures future sustainability of community facilities.

Revenue strategies, including modest increases in utility rates, franchise fees, and other user-based charges, help offset rising costs while preserving essential services.

This interim budget balances the needs of residents and businesses with the economic pressures faced by the Town, working towards ensuring the long-term fiscal health and service sustainability. As additional financial data becomes available, such as the 2025 tax assessment rates, grant announcements and requisition costs, adjustments will be made as part of the review and final approval of the 2025 budget.

To view more details regarding the 2025 Interim Budget, please visit the Town’s website at Town of Claresholm Budget or contact the Town Office at 403-625-3381.


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