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Financial Reporting and Budgets

The Town of Claresholm does its best to strike a balance between providing services and maintaining facilities for the residents and businesses of our community while maintaining reasonable tax, utility and user rates. Annually, the Town prepares operating and capital budgets to help plan for our future. 

We also regularly report on our past, to inform the public on how their money is being spent. This reporting is in the form of monthly financial reports to Council as well as annual audited financial statements. If you have any questions regarding the Town’s budgets or financial reporting feel free to contact the Town’s Director of Corporate Services via e-mail or by phone at 403.625.3381.

April 2023 - Municipal Comparisons

In anticipation of budget and tax rate bylaw approvals over the next several weeks, Administration has prepared municipal comparisons so Council and residents can have an idea of where Claresholm stands in relation to other municipalities.

Administration has generated tables comparing municipal residential and non-residential tax rates, and expenditures and revenues. The tables compare Claresholm with a select group of municipalities, which have been chosen based upon a municipality index provided by the province (a combination of equalized assessment, location and population). The communities in the tables below range in the municipality index from 67 (Turner Valley) to 73 (Carstairs). Claresholm has an index number of 71 and the website suggests to compare municipalities with +/- 10 index points.  The charts speak very broadly to municipal tax rates, and expenditures and revenues. The data in the tables is from 2021. 

Tax Rates
Revenue & Expenses

The public can also access the information and generate your own tables and comparisons by visiting the Government of Alberta website. 

Municipal Comparisons


The Town has an estimated $9 million annual operating budget. This is funded by approximately $4 million in property taxes, another $3.5 million in utilities and user fees, and $1.5 million in other income or funding sources (grants, utility franchise fees, facility rentals, permits and licenses, investment income, etc.)

Capital infrastructure and facilities are funded through various sources including Federal and Provincial grants, reserves, developer contributions, community contributions and donations.

The 2024 Budget was approved by Town Council at their regular meeting on April 8, 2024, with an amended budget approved at the following meeting on April 22, 2024 to remove a special tax levy that had been contemplated.


DownloadInterim 2025 Budget


Download2024 Budget - Amended

Prior year budget documents are also available at the bottom of the page.

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) now requires municipalities to prepare a written plan respecting its anticipated financial operations over the next 3 financial years and its anticipated capital property additions over the next 5 financial years. These plans must consider not only expenditures but also how such expenditures will be funded, and the plans must be reviewed and updated annually. The following documents are the Town's approved 2025-2027 Financial Plan and 2025-2029 Capital Plan approved by Council on April 22, 2024


Download2025-2027 Financial Plan


Download2025-2029 Capital Plan

Below are prior year budget documents.


Download2023 Budget


Download2022 Budget


Download2021 Budget


Download2020 Budget


Download2019 Budget


Download2018 Budget


Download2017 Budget